Blog Posts
HIFIS All-Hands Meeting 2025 in Bremen
Code for Thought podcast on TEACH
Helmholtz Quality Indicator: Make your Software Count
Helmholtz Cloud Survey Complete - Thank you!
Helmholtz ID Simplifies Secure Login
HZB IT Relies on Helmholtz Cloud for LaTeX
Think Tank on the Service Onboarding
DataHub Services Closely Linked With HIFIS
Anaconda Restrictions and Alternatives for RSD
HIFIS at Third Edition of IT4Science Days
Bachelor Thesis on Resource Booking in the Helmholtz Cloud
Legal Aspects of the Helmholtz Cloud - Interview
Get impressions from our All-Hands & Friends Meeting!
Apply for the Helmholtz Software Award 2024!
Helmholtz Cloud Sets Quality Criteria for its Services
Software Award: Winners 2023 and Call 2024
Check out two new scientific services!
Contribute to IT4Science-Days!
Working with scientific data? Join our Roadshow!
Relaunch of the HIFIS Software Spotlights
Philipp Neumann ist neuer HIFIS Koordinator
Philipp Neumann is the new HIFIS Coordinator
Upcoming: Results of Helmholtz Incubator Software Award
Join the TEACH 4 conference
Der lange Weg zur Klarheit: Die rechtlich solide Basis steht
The Long Journey to Clarity: The Legal Basis is in Place
How HIFIS helped us after our cyber attack
Explore the HIFIS training program for 2024
HIFIS All-Hands Meeting 2024 in DLR Köln
Service spotlight: Resource Entitlement Management (REMS) by DKFZ
Best Scientific Image Contest 2024: submit your image
Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative call out!
HIFIS at HMC Dialog
Prototype implementation of the NEST Desktop
Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Research Software
Helmholtz GPU Hackathon, Deadline: Jan 31
Better Coding: some starting points
The 6th issue of our newsletter is here
Helmholtz Research Software Directory updated
Looking back at the Incubator Summer Academy 2023
Resilience of HIFIS Core Services
Bachelor Thesis to improve Helmholtz AAI Processes
HIFIS supporting the VISA Collaboration
All-Hands Meeting of HIFIS
Codebase is now a forge in the Software Heritage project!
HIFIS at the IT4Science Days 2023
HIFIS funding guaranteed until 2029
Incubator Summer Academy: Registration is open
A Podcast about the new Software Award
The July Issue of our Newsletter is here
New Helmholtz Cloud Landing Page
HIFIS Scientific Advisory Board 2023
HMC Conference: Call for Abstracts is open
Helmholtz Incubator Workshop 2023 in Berlin
New service: DESY provides dCache InfiniteSpace
TEACH 3: Call for Abstract is open
Apply for the first Helmholtz Incubator Software Award
A Podcast about HIFIS Education
Incubator Summer Academy > Next Level Data Science
Insights from the Cloud Team Meeting 2023
New functionality in Plony: Change Requests
Last Minute! Open Seats in Course "First Steps in Python"
deRSE unconference Call for Contributions
Six Main Tasks in Image Processing
A Consulting Success Story
Cloud Service Orchestration for Helmholtz Imaging
Helmholtz Codebase: Automating Dependency Updates
Five new services enrich the Helmholtz Cloud (updated)
Helmholtz RSD now open for all Helmholtz members
Join the Helmholtz GPU Hackathon!
HIFIS has a Zenodo Community
Submit your image to win Best Scientific Image 2023!
Happy holidays and all the best to you!
HIFIS Evaluation: First feedback (updated)
HIFIS at the EuSSI training bazar
HIFIS Post Review Meeting
GitLab: Helmholtz Codebase switched its domain (updated)
deRSE23 Conference: Call for Contributions
Plony, the service database, becomes the central interface
HIFIS at the IBERGRID 2022 conference
HIFIS Consulting Handbook is online
TEACH 2 conference: Registration is open
Looking back at the Incubator Summer Academy
Gitlab for Requirements analysis at Earth Data Portal
Meet data science talents at the career corner on Thursday
Awesome list of Useful Links
3rd Helmholtz Forum: Research Software
All Helmholtz Centres have now joined the AAI
Ocean Data View (webODV): Soon in Helmholtz Cloud
AI Research in Health Topics at CASUS
CASUS uses HIFIS services for data-centric research
The Helmholtz Cloud Portal got updated
Launch of the Helmholtz Research Software Directory
Mass Storage for Machine Learning in Seismology
Insights from 3rd HIFIS Teammeeting on 5th/6th July 2022
We welcome 10.000 Helmholtz AAI Users!
Helmholtz AI needs YOU for their survey!
Register for the Incubator Summer Academy
HIFIS supports PUNCH4NFDI (updated)
Call for Abstracts for TEACH 2 is open
Recap: Workshop on RSE and FAIR at SE2022
Incubator Summer Academy—From Zero to Hero
New HIFIS course: Continuous Integration in GitLab
Insights from the 12th Incubator workshop
New HIFIS course: Introduction to OOP in Python
Best Scientific Imaging—the choice is yours!
Service Canvas now available in Plony!
HIFIS website just got relaunched!
Review of Helmholtz Cloud Service Portfolio completed
Report on the TEACH Conference in 2021
Mattermost Major Release 6 available
HIFIS Survey 2021 Report
20 Helmholtz Cloud Services
Process Framework for Helmholtz Cloud Service Portfolio
Release of Helmholtz Cloud Portal
Helmholtz AAI full presentation in 75. DFN Betriebstagung
HIFIS Transfer Service (updated)
Helmholtz Resonator Podcast on HIFIS
DESY Sync & Share service available to Helmholtz
Plony enables online application for new Cloud Services
Helmholtz AAI supports PUNCH4NFDI
New Guidelines for Helmholtz AAI Participants
Update of the HIFIS Workshop Program 2021
The Earth and Environment DataHub use nubes
Helmholtz ID / AAI login to Helmholtz Cloud Services
Easy Diagram creation in Gitlab
Policies for Research Software
HIFIS Homepages unified
HIFIS Transfer Service: Sharing large data sets
Announcing the HIFIS Event Management Service
Helmholtz AAI Update in the context of AARC, EOSC, NFDI
Helmholtz Cloud and Cloud Portal (beta) online
Results of the first Software Survey
Helmholtz AAI in 74. DFN Betriebstagung
Support of multiple namespaces in entitlement
Helmholtz GitLab Available
16 of 18 Helmholtz centres plus Head Office connected
Welcoming more than 1000 users from almost all Helmholtz
HIFIS Survey 2020: A Community Perspective
Data from 467 respondents of the HIFIS Survey 2020 were analyzed to give an overview of research software developers at Helmholtz and their day-to-day work. While software development plays a crucial role in all six research domains, only about half of the respondents are satisfied with the support at their centers. Results of this survey will help us to better understand how HIFIS Software Services could improve this situation.
Constituting General Assembly of EOSC Association
HIFIS Survey 2020: A Technology Perspective
HIFIS Survey 2020: Programming, CI and VCS
In the beginning of 2020 the HIFIS team conducted a survey among Helmholtz scientists with the goals of learning more about the current practices concerning research software development and identifying future challenges.
Helmholtz AAI Policies finalised
HIFIS Annual Meeting 2020: Wrap-up and materials
Preparing HIFIS Annual Meeting Oct 21-22 - Schedule and Registration
Selected Services for Initial Helmholtz Cloud Service Portfolio
The selection process for the initial Helmholtz Cloud service portfolio has been successfully completed.
At the end of this process, 38 services offered by nine Helmholtz Centers were selected. Considering that some services are provided by several centers, the initial service portfolio includes 21 different services.
Docker for Science (Part 3)
Docker for Science (Part 2)
Docker For Science (Part 1)
HIFIS Pages and Helpdesk launched
Homepage and Documentation
The HIFIS homepage as well as the HIFIS Documentation have been restructured and relaunched.
The new workflow uses best-practices continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflow to streamline collaborative contribution to the homepage and the documentation.
Start of Helmholtz VPN
Coordinated by DESY, HIFIS fostered a service agreement with the German National Research and Education Network (DFN) on operating a a Helmholtz-wide Virtual Private Network (Helmholtz Backbone). The VPN shall cover the majority of Helmholtz centres.
Introducing: Consulting Services
Last steps towards initial service portfolio
Starting with over 100 services as candidates for the upcoming Helmholtz Cloud, we had to define transparent and objective criteria to make the services comparable. We established a service selection process consisting of three iterations to shrink the service candidate list to a handable size. Now we are conducting the 3rd and last iteration of the service selection in which each remaining service is documented with detailed information. Using this information the final score of each service can be calculated. The score will give priority on which services will be integrated into Helmholtz Cloud first.
HZI-HIFIS collaboration for Coronavirus Surveys
The German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) builds a platform collecting methodologies and results of coronavirus antibody studies. In cooperation with HIFIS and led by scientists at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), the project “LEOSS.sero-survey” is being implemented.
Project Calls for HIP and HMC
Two of our fellow Helmholtz Incubator platforms (HMC and HIP) recently announced their project calls. Make sure to not miss the respective deadlines in September and October!
Helmholtz AAI online
The blueprint for the new official Helmholtz-wide Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (Helmholtz AAI), derived from former HDF AAI, is now online and available for services and identity providers via and the respective development instance. It was drafted by FZJ and KIT, and is compatible to the AARC blueprint.
Superschnelles AI-Rechensystem für HAICORE
Am KIT wurde ein superschnelles Computersystem für Hemholtz Artificial Intelligence (AI) Forschung installiert. Dies ist der erste Standort in Europa, an dem das mit InfiniBand verbundene NVIDIA DGX A100 AI-System in Betrieb genommen wurde, finanziert aus der Helmholtz AI Computing Resources Initiative (HAICORE). Der gemeinsame Zugang zu diesen Kapazitäten wird über den von HIFIS angebotenen AAI-Dienst hergestellt.
Super-fast AI Computing System for HAICORE
A super-fast computer system dedicated to Helmholtz artificial intelligence (AI) research has been installed at KIT. This is the first location in Europe to put the InfiniBand connected NVIDIA DGX A100 AI system into operation, funded from the Helmholtz AI Computing Resources Initiative (HAICORE). Common access to these capacities is established using the AAI service offered by HIFIS.
Guidelines for Collaborative Notetaking
Coding, Cookies, COVID-19
HIFIS im EGI Newsletter
Helmholtz Federated IT Services - Promoting IT based science at all levels, so lautet der Titel unseres Artikels, der im Newsletter unserer Freunde von der EGI-Foundation erschienen ist. In dem EGI-Newsletter geben wir einen Überblick über die neue HIFIS-Plattform.
HIFIS in the EGI newsletters
Helmholtz Federated IT Services - Promoting IT based science at all levels, is the title of our article that appeared in the newsletter of our friends from the EGI Federation. In the EGI Newsletters, we give an overview of the new HIFIS platform.
HIFIS Software Helpdesk launched
HIFIS Scientific Advisory Board: First Feedback Report
Guidelines for Video Conferencing
Guidelines for Chatting
Experience Report: Machine Learning Hackathon at GFZ
Our First Online SWC Workshop
S/MIME Signing Git Commits
HIFIS Software Workshops in 2020
Folding@Home and research on SARS-CoV-2
The Helmholtz platform HIFIS, the HZDR and the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) support the world-wide project Folding@Home in developing an antibody based therapy to prevent a respiratory infection by the virus.
KIT supports distributed protein computing projects
JSC: HPC support for COVID-19 research
Overview of HIFIS Workshops in 2020
The Software Policy Template
In a joint effort of the Task Group Research Software within the scope of the Helmholtz Open Science Office a software policy template was created.
This model policy should serve as a guideline and reusable blueprint for the creation of regulations for a sustainable use and development of research software in the individual Helmholtz centers.