Publications, Presentations, Selected Blog Posts
As far as not listed in Zenodo
- Popcova, Olga. 2024. German Cancer Research Center supports FileSender development. In GEANT Connect Online, 2024.
- Beermann, Thomas, and Wagner, Sebastian. 2023. Developing and deploying the Helmholtz Cloud Portal. In IT4Science-Days, Berlin. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8424275
- Huste, Tobias. 2023 Continuous Integration in Complex Research Software - Tearing Down Borders. In IT4Science-Days, Berlin. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10006276
- Wagner, Sebastian. 2023. Towards a Global Digital Research Landscape. In IT4Science-Days, Berlin. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8424775
- Schmidt, Peter, Erxleben, Fredo. 2023. Bringt uns Programmieren bei! Code for Thought Podcast, 5,19 (June 2023).
- Meeßen, Christian. 2023. Increasing the visibility of Research Software: The Helmholtz Research Software Directory. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7914477
- Schmahl, Ines, Schworm, Stephanie, Erxleben, Fredo, and Lemster, Christine. 2023. Report on the TEACH Conference 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7956292
- Schlauch, Tobias. 2023. Software Citation Current Practice and Recent Developments, Love your data? Make it reproducible! A workshop on reproducibility in data science on 14.02.2023. Potsdam : Helmholtz Open Science Office. DOI: 10.48440/os.helmholtz.063
- Erxleben, Fredo. 2023. HIFIS: Building a Workshop Portfolio from 0. In deRSE23 - Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany (deRSE23). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7669752
- Thomas Förster. 2023. Fostering quality improvement for RSE projects through consulting offers. In deRSE23 - Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany (deRSE23). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7742216
- Konrad, Uwe, Huste, Tobias, Jandt, Uwe, Schäfer, David, and Schnicke, Thomas. 2023. From source code to Software as a Service, how to make software more accessible?. In deRSE23 - Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany (deRSE23). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7653477
- Schlauch, Tobias. 2023. All you need to know about Software Licenses as a RSE. In deRSE23 - Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany (deRSE23). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7660415
- Huste, Tobias. 2023. HIFIS - Boosting Research Software Engineering at Helmholtz. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7638538
- Lehnigk, Ronald, Bruschewski, Martin, Huste, Tobias, Lucas, Dirk, Rehm, Markus and Schlegel, Fabian. 2023. Sustainable development of simulation setups and addons for OpenFOAM for nuclear reactor safety research. Kerntechnik 88,2 (Feb. 2023). DOI: 10.1515/kern-2022-0107
- Klaffki, Lisa. 2023. HIFIS has a Zenodo Community. Blog post, January 2023.
- Applications of Helmholtz AAI for FZJ IT-Forum, December 2022.
- Meeßen, Christian, Hammitzsch, Martin, and Konrad, Uwe. 2022. Aktueller Stand des Helmholtz Research Software Directory. In 3. Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Forschungssoftware, online, November 2022. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7360386
- Meeßen, Christian, Hammitzsch, Martin, and Konrad, Uwe. 2022. The Research Software Directory in Helmholtz. In The Research Software Directory: Improving the impact of research software, online, November 2022. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7347366
- Wetzel, Tim, Fuhrmann, Patrick, and Schuh, Michael Integrated dataset placement service for scientists. In IBERGRID 2022 Faro, October 2022.
- Förster, Thomas, and Huste, Tobias. 2022. Helmholtz Federated IT Services: Enabling innovative software and supporting services for research. In IBERGRID 2022 Faro, October 2022.
- Helmholtz Cloud and Helmholtz AAI for LRZ-DKRZ, October 2022.
- Meeßen, Christian, Hammitzsch, Martin, and Konrad, Uwe. 2022. Sichtbarkeit und FAIRness von Forschungssoftware erhöhen: das Research Software Directory. In dini Workshop “Forschungssoftware managen”, Stuttgart, September 2022. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7083033
- Hüser, Christian, Ziegner, Norman, and Huste, Tobias. 2022. Scaling IT Services for Germany’s Largest Research Organisation - An Experience Report. In DevOpsDays Berlin, September 2022. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7248114
- Stoffers, Martin, Schlauch, Tobias, Caspart, René, and Struck, Alexander. 2022. Recap: Workshop Let’s Talk FAIR for Research Software at SE2022. deRSE Blog post, June 2022.
- Research Software Development @Helmholtz. In MPG Worskhop Future Opportunities for Software in Research (FORS2022), May 2022.
- Helmholtz AAI Info-Session for HZB-IT, May 2022.
- Huste, Tobias. 2022. Helmholtz Digital Services for Science — Collaboration made easy.. In Helmholtz Open Science Forum Research Software, April 2022. Potsdam : Helmholtz Open Science Office. DOI: 10.48440/os.helmholtz.045
- Klotz, Andreas, Apweiler, Sander, and Leander-Knoll, Matthias. 2022. HIFIS: VO Federation for EFSS. In 76. DFN Betriebstagung, March 2022. DFN.
- Helmholtz Cloud Info-Session. HZB virtual IT-Open Office, March 2022.
- Konrad, Uwe, Meeßen, Christian, Hammitzsch, Martin, Huste, Tobias, and Jandt, Uwe. 2022. From License Consultation to Software Spotlights. In RDA Deutschland Conference, February 2022. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6248895
- Schlegel, Fabian, Huste, Tobias, Juckeland, Guido, and Konrad, Uwe. 2022. OpenSource im Spannungsfeld akademischer und wirtschaftlicher Interessen. In Software Engineering Conference Deutschland (rSE22), February 2022.
- Konrad, Uwe, Huste, Tobias, Jandt, Uwe, and Schlauch, Tobias. 2022. Helmholtz Federated IT Services: Innovative Cloud and Software Services for Science. In Software Engineering Conference Deutschland (rSE22), February 2022.
- Klotz, Andreas. 2022. HIFIS: VO Federation for EFSS. In CS3 2022 — Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing, January 2022.
- Jandt, Uwe. 2021. HIFIS Survey 2021 Report. Blog Post, December 2021.
- Huste, Tobias. 2021. Solutions for the Ages — a Short Crash Course on Sustainable Software Development. In HIDA Annual Conference 2021, November 2021. HZDR. Publ.-Id:: 32579
- Haupt, Carina, and Stoffers, Martin. 2021. Roles in Research Software Engineering (RSE) Consultancies. In Research Software Engineers in HPC Workshop at SC21 (RSE-HPC-2021), November 2021. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5530443
- Klotz, Andreas. 2021. HIFIS: VO Federation for EFSS. In HEPiX Automn 2021 online Workshop, October 2021.
- Jandt, Uwe. 2021. Helmholtz IT Services for Science: HIFIS. In HEPiX Automn 2021 online Workshop, October 2021.
- Jandt, Uwe, and Hardt, Marcus. 2021. Helmholtz AAI full presentation. In 75. DFN Betriebstagung, October 2021.
- Klein, Holger, and Jandt, Uwe. 2021. Helmholtz Resonator Podcast on HIFIS. Resonator-Podcast, October 2021.
- Messerschmidt, Reinhard, Pampel, H., Bach, F., zu Castell, W., Denker, M., Finke, A., Fritzsch, B., Hammitzsch, M., Konrad, Uwe, Leifels, Y., Möhl, C., Nolden, M., Scheinert, M., Schlauch, Tobias, Schnicke, T., and Steglich, D. 2021. Checkliste zur Unterstützung der Helmholtz-Zentren bei der Implementierung von Richtlinien für nachhaltige Forschungssoftware. Potsdam : Helmholtz Open Science Office. DOI: 10.48440/os.helmholtz.031
- Jandt, Uwe. 2021. HIFIS: IT-Services für Helmholtz & Partner. In DFN Mitteilungen, pp. 44–45, June 2021. DFN.
- Huste, Tobias, and Jandt, Uwe. 2021. Easy Diagram creation in Gitlab. Blog post, June 2021.
- Ferguson, L. M., Pampel, H., Bertelmann, R., Dirnagl, U., Zohbi, J. E., Kapitza, D., Keup-Thiel, E., Konrad, U., Lorenz, S., Mittermaier, B., Rechid, D., and Schuck-Zöller, S. 2021. Indikatoren für Open Science: Report des Helmholtz Open Science Forum. Potsdam : Helmholtz Open Science Office. DOI: 10.48440/os.helmholtz.024
- Huste, Tobias. 2021. Solutions for the Ages — a Short Crash Course on Sustainable Software Development. In International Virtual Covid Data Challenge 2021, April 2021. HZDR. Publ.-Id:: 32579
- Hardt, Marcus. 2021. Helmholtz AAI Update. Presentation on the role of Helmholtz AAI in the context of AARC, EOSC, and NFDI, April 2021.
- Using Containers in Science. Workshop material, March 2021.
- Jandt, Uwe. 2021. Helmholtz Federated IT Services. In National and International Trends in Research Storage at Scale, Open Storage Network Concept Paper, March 2021.
- Hardt, Marcus. 2021. Helmholtz AAI. Teaser talk. In 74. DFN Betriebstagung, March 2021.
- Wetzel, Tim, Fuhrmann, Patrick, Millar, Paul, and Jandt, Uwe. 2021. HIFIS transfer service: FTS for Helmholtz. In ISGC 2021 — International Symposium on Grids & Clouds, March 2021.
- Apweiler, Sander, Klotz, Andreas, and Leander-Knoll, Matthias. 2021. HIFIS: Sync&Share Federation for Helmholtz. In CS3 2021 — Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing, January 2021.
- Konrad, Uwe, Förstner, Konrad, Reetz, Johannes, Wannemacher, Klaus, Kett, Jürgen, and Mannseicher, Florian. 2020. Digitale Dienste für die Wissenschaft - wohin geht die Reise?. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4301924
- Konrad, Uwe, Förstner, Konrad, Reetz, Johannes, Wannemacher, Klaus, Kett, Jürgen, and Mannseicher, Florian. 2020. Digital services for science – where is the journey heading?. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4301947
- Huste, Tobias, Hüser, Christian, Dolling, Maximilian, Dworatzyk, Katharina, Frere, Jonathan, and Erxleben, Fredo. 2020. HIFIS Software Survey 2020 Evaluation. Blog Post Series, Nov 2020-Jan 2021.
- Jandt, Uwe. 2020. Federated data storage for Helmholtz Research & Friends. In National and International Trends in Research Storage at Scale, Open Storage Network, November 2020.
- Jandt, Uwe, and Wetzel, Tim. 2020. In EGI conference (2-5 November 2020):
- Jandt, Uwe, Apweiler, Sander, Schollmaier, Laura, Klotz Andreas, and Dolling, Maximilian. 2020. Presentations of all major HIFIS working groups. In 2nd All-Hands HIFIS Meeting, October 2020.
- Wetzel, Tim. 2020. HIFIS backbone transfer service: FTS for everyone. In HEPiX Autumn 2020 Online workshop, October 2020.
- Frere, Jonathan. 2020. Docker For Science. Blog post series, September 2020:
- HIFIS — Platform, Training and Support for a Sustainable Software Development. In DLR Wissensaustausch-Workshop Software Engineering (WAW SE VII), September 2020.
- Zusammenarbeiten mit der Helmholtz-Cloud, Lichtblick Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, p. 4, September 2020.
- Glöckner, Stephan. 2020. HZI-led Coronavirus Sero-Survey in collaboration with HIFIS. DZIF Press Release, August 2020.
- Jandt, Uwe. 2020. Promoting IT based science at all levels. In EGI Newsletter #37, June 2020.
- Hammitzsch, Martin et al. 2020. HIFIS suggestions and guidelines. Blog post series, May-June 2020.
- Jandt, Uwe. 2020. Summary of the Feedback Report of the Scientific Advisory Board. Blog Post, May 2020.
- Huste, Tobias. 2020. S/MIME Signing Git Commits. Blog post, April 2020.
- Klotz, Andreas, Fuhrmann, Patrick, and Schollmaier, Laura. 2020. The HIFIS Cloud Competence Cluster. In CS3 2020 Workshop on Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing, January 2020.
- Presentations at the 1st HIFIS Conference, October 2019.
- Haupt, Carina. 2019. Helmholtz Federated IT Services (HIFIS) — Creating Services together. In Software Engineering and Reuse in Modeling, Simulation, and Data Analytics for Science and Engineering (SC 2019 BOF), November 2019.
- Hagemeier, Björn. 2019. HDF Cloud — Helmholtz Data Federation Cloud Resources at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 5, A137. DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-5-173
- Frust, Tobias, and Konrad, Uwe. 2019. Integrierte Entwicklungs- und Publikationsumgebung für Forschungssoftware und Daten am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). In deRSE19, Potsdam, June 2019. Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB). DOI: 10.5446/42518
- Konrad, Uwe. 2019. Anforderungen, Wünsche und Erfahrungen für den Aufbau des HIFIS Competence Clusters “Software Services” in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. In deRSE19, Potsdam, June 2019.
- Frust, Tobias. 2019. Continuous Documentation for Users, Developers and Maintainers. In Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference 2019 (PASC19), Zurich, Switzerland. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3247324
- Share and synchronize your data with HZB Cloud Nubes safely
Software Publications
HIFIS creates its own software packages, but also contributes to Open Source software in general.
Software Packages
- Sanjari, Shahab. 2023. iqtools: Collection of code for working with offline complex valued time series data in Python. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8056233
- Unattended-Upgrades Role for Ansible - Ansible role to set up unattended-upgrades on Debian-based systems.
- Ansible RSD role — Ansible role to set up the Research Software Directory.
- HIFIS Surveyval — Python Package for analysing survey data.
- Ansible Netplan Role — Ansible role that installs Netplan and configures networking on hosts.
- Ansible SSH keys role — Ansible role to distribute authorized SSH public keys to users.
- Ansible GitLab Role — Ansible role to install and configure the GitLab Omnibus package, also in a high availability context.
- Ansible Keepalived Role — Ansible role that sets up Keepalived for high availabilty.
- Ansible Redis Role — Ansible role for setting up a highly available Redis cluster.
- Ansible HAProxy role — Ansible role to set up HAProxy to be used as a load balancer.
- Ansible GitLab-Runner role — Ansible role for deploying GitLab-Runner (optimized for Openstack).
- GitLab-Runner for Power — GitLab-Runner packages for the
- Molecule Podman Plugin - Fix missing playbooks in the PyPI wheel
- Kira Dependencies Bot:
- Ansible Role Certbot — Fix snap symlink task failing in initial dry-run
- Ansible Role Docker — Fix docker-compose update
- Gitleaks — Fix example in leaky-repo.toml
- Ansible (community.general) — Fix HAProxy draining
- Ansible Collection Hardening:
- Ansible Role Elasticsearch — Stop plugin install to fail in check mode