Bring Your Own Script and Make It Ready for Publication


Tue., 12 May 2020​ , 09:00 —
Tue., 12 May 2020​ , 17:00


 Schlauch, Tobias


 Schlauch, Tobias
  dolling   Leinweber, Katrin
Picture of Huste, Tobias  Huste, Tobias




In this workshop you learn about the basic steps to prepare your code for sharing with others and make it ready for citation in a research paper.


We will provide you with actionable advice about how to polish your software project before publishing it or submitting it alongside a publication. This includes:

  1. Put your code under version control
  2. Clean up your code
  3. Provide proper documentation
  4. Add a suitable Open Source license
  5. Mark the stable version of your code
  6. Make your code citable

We provide an overview about these topics in two theory sessions in the morning and in the afternoon. In between, you can work on your software project and improve it. The instructors are available and support you by answering your questions and providing feedback.


  • Ideally, you already have a software project which you want to improve. Alternatively, we prepared tasks on which you can work during the practice sessions.
  • Basic Git skills are required. A good and quick tutorial can be found in the Software Carpentry’s “Git Novice” episodes 1 to 9.
  • You require your laptop with your project setup, plus the Git command line or a graphical client, and a modern web browser.


The Registration period is over.