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Helmholtz Cloud Service Operation KPI - detailed calculation


The individual Service Operation KPI (raw KPI) is calculated from the ratio between the starting value and the value at the time of reporting.
The numeric calculation for the given KPI value are given in a publicly available calculation repository.

Calculation Period

Helmholtz Cloud Operation KPI is calculated in two ways:

1) Overall:
from service start in Helmholtz Cloud Portal to reporting date
2) Annual Reporting:
from beginning of current reporting period (beginning of year) to reporting date (end of year).

Definition of time points

Due to the heterogeneity of Helmholtz Cloud Services onboarding time points, as well as the KPI reporting frequencies, multiple time points are defined to suit all use cases.

\[ T_{\rm fitstart}=\left(\begin{matrix}T_{\rm onboard} & \iff T_{\rm onboard} \geq T_{\rm logstart}\\T_{\rm logstart}&\rm else\end{matrix}\right. \]
\[ T_{\rm reference\_overall}=\left(\begin{matrix}T_{\rm fitstart} & \iff f\left(T_{\rm fitstart}\right)\gg 0\\T_{\rm fitstart,manually\ defined}&\rm else\end{matrix}\right. \]


  • \(T_{\rm onboard}\) denoting the time of public availability of the service in the Helmholtz Cloud,
  • \(T_{\rm logstart}\) denoting the time of the first data point in the reported service KPI data,
  • If \(T_{\rm onboard}\) being later than \(T_{\rm logstart}\), then the KPI calculation starts at \(T_{\rm onboard}\); otherwise it starts at \(T_{\rm logstart}\),
  • \(T_{\rm fitstart}\) denoting the point in time where the numerical fitting starts,
  • \(T_{\rm reference\_overall}\) defining the point in time on which the reported service KPI at reporting time \(T_{\rm report}\) are related to,
  • \(T_{\rm report}\) being the reporting time point (e.g., 2023-12-31 for the 2023 annual report).

Note: The potential definition of a needed \(T_{\rm fitstart,manually\ defined}\) value is subject to the HIFIS Cloud Cluster, and is defined in the KPI computation repository.

Linear regression

For all available measurement series, a linear fit is calculated with linear regression (based on gnuplot fit function, implementing nonlinear least-squares (NLLS) Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm). This yields for each service s and each reported user or usage number u:

  • A slope: \(m\left(s,u\right) \pm m_{\rm err}\left(s,u\right)\)
  • Intercept: \(y_0\left(s,u\right) \pm y_{0,\rm err}\left(s,u\right)\)

KPI Calculation

Raw KPI components

The overall Helmholtz Cloud Operation KPI is composed out of an arbitrary number of raw KPI components and respective weights. This depicts the contribution of single services and single service usage information towards the overall development of the Helmholtz Cloud.

The raw KPI components K are calculated independently for each s and u, at the reporting time, based on linear fit calculated before:

\[ K\left(s,u,T_{\rm report}\right)=\frac{m\left(s,u\right)T_{\rm report}+y_0\left(s,u\right)}{m\left(s,u\right)T_{\rm reference\_overall}+y_0\left(s,u\right)}-1 \]

If several measurement series are collected for a single service, each raw KPI component is weighted with a pre-defined weight \(w_{s,u}\). All services are of equal value; the weighting of all raw data of a service is 1 in total.
If applicable and reasonable, the weighting of the raw usage data is 50% , as well as the weighting of the raw user data is 50%.

Side conditions

To avoid calculation from sparse data of too fresh services, raw KPI calculation is only performed if

\[ T_{\rm report} \geq T_{\rm reference\_overall}+90{\ \rm d} \]

Cumulated KPI

The Helmholtz Cloud Service Operation KPI \(K_o\) is calculated by sum of all weighted raw KPI components. It therefore increases with the number of services available and the increased usage and nuber of users of individual services.

\[ K_o\left(T_{\rm report}\right)=\sum_{s,u}{w_{s,u}K\left(s,u,T_{\rm report}\right)} \]