Good news! Recently we onboarded two new scientific metadata services to our Helmholtz Cloud portfolio that have been developed by our sister platforms:
CONNECT with Helmholtz’ imaging capabilities!
Helmholtz Imaging CONNECT is a platform showcasing the diverse spectrum of scientific imaging within the Helmholtz Association. Scientists develop and apply numerous imaging modalities to study processes at atomic, molecular, organismic, ecosystemic, and cosmic scales. This imaging network facilitates collaboration, offering a space to connect experts, instruments, and applications. The service is being developed by Helmholtz Imaging platform.
You’re invited to join! Scientists affiliated with Helmholtz Centers are encouraged to join by adding their profiles, modalities, applications, and stories to expand their network and explore new research opportunities.

Knowing what Helmholtz knows: Knowledge Graph
The Helmholtz Knowledge Graph (KG) is a central metadata repository for digital assets of the Helmholtz community including data, publications, code, institutions, and experts. It is an openly published service that makes the Helmholtz Association’s research data findable and usable according to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). The sources are metadata from various data providers such as repositories, libraries, and code deposits. The Helmholtz KG is developed by unified Helmholtz Data and Information Exchange (unHIDE) initiative of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) that aims to harmonise and consolidate the representation of digital assets within the Helmholtz association.
Visit Helmholtz KG’s search interface and explore the knowledge of Helmholtz through keyword, category browsing or filtered searches.
Questions or proposals?
Contact our Cloud Team at