For the second time, the incubator platforms Helmholtz AI, Helmholtz Imaging, HIDA, HMC and HIFIS came together to organize a joint education and training event: the Incubator Summer Academy.
The joint two-week program was structured into several course packages covering state of the art Data Science methods and skills, as well as networking opportunities in the Summer Academy Gathertown space! Ranging from fundamental course packages as for instance Python, or Introduction to Scientific Metadata to advanced topics as Machine Learning Based Image analysis, the program offered participants to select course packages that best suited their experience levels and interests.
In total, 225 unique participants joined the event. In 44 hours, HIFIS instructors taught 4 course packages which were attended by 93 participants. The participant feedback was very positive.
We can look back on an extensive two-week program that is well worth repeating in 2024.
In any case, you don’t need to wait that long to participate in a HIFIS workshop. Further HIFIS workshops are held regularly. All information is available here.