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HIFIS at the IT4Science Days 2023

HIFIS showcases innovation at the IT4Science Days 2023

The IT4Science Days 2023, a joint meeting of the Max Planck Society and the Helmholtz Association on IT for Science concluded two weeks ago. Hosted at the MDC Berlin-Buch campus, this event brought together many actors from both organisations to discuss and explore the latest developments in the field of digital science. Several contributions were made by the HIFIS team to illustrate the importance of collaboration. Our colleagues from Helmholtz AI also made a presentation, further enriching the diversity of perspectives and ideas shared.

The organisers from the Max Planck Society expressed their gratitude for the contributions and active involvement of HIFIS members.


Towards a Global Digital Research Landscape

Sebastian outlined the challenges that IT organisations in science face and demonstrated the current disparity in the global digital research landscape. He argued for the importance of sharing knowledge and digital infrastructure among organizations to enable spontaneous interdisciplinary collaboration in science.

Continuous integration in complex research software

Tobias showed how complex local Gitlab CI infrastructure could be integrated within a project, to make use of specific developments which are not available on the global platform while still keeping the code there.

Developing and deploying the Helmholtz Cloud Portal

Thomas presented an overview of the Helmholtz Cloud Portal GitOps. He introduced the underlying infrastructure, presented the development process using local containerized environments and review environments on Gitlab, and concluded with the final deployment in production on Kubernetes with FluxCD.