The Latest News from HIFIS
While this newsletter might find some of its readers at beaches or mountainsides, here at HIFIS we’re still very busy. The latest issue of our newsletter just got sent to all subscribers. In it, we bundled up the latest news from HIFIS and the Helmholtz Incubator:
As you might have seen, Helmholtz Cloud has got a facelift. Also, we expanded the service portfolio further, as now also large-scale storage is available for research and service pipelines.
We were also active in the Incubator context with the 13th Helmholtz Incubator Workshop. Especially if you write Research Software in Helmholtz, you should consider the first Helmholtz Incubator Software Award.
Upcoming events to keep in mind are the Teach 3 Conference, Incubator Summer Academy and, arriving after editorial deadline, the HMC Conference. And, last but not least, if you are interested in the educational activities from HIFIS, tune in to the German episode of Code for thought.
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