From Zero to Hero — don’t hesitate, register now!
As announced earlier, the Incubator Summer Academy will take place on September 12–23, 2022.

The five Incubator platforms Helmholtz.AI, Helmholtz Imaging, HIFIS, HIDA and HMC have teamed up to create an exciting program consisting of:
- Data science workshops from beginner to expert level,
- a data challenge,
- keynote speeches, and
- plenty of digital and on-site networking opportunities
The registry has opened, don’t wait too long to register — the first classes are already full! You’ll find the buttons “register” or “apply for participation” in the workshop list or, below, in the description of each event.
From fundamental workshops like „Introduction to Python“ to advanced courses on „Machine Learning for Instance Segmentation and Tracking“, participants will be able to pick and choose offers that best suit their experience levels and interests. In our data challenge, you and your teammates can put your (newly acquired) knowledge to the test. You’ll get the chance to network with colleagues from all Helmholtz centers and learn more about career opportunities and data science-related exchange programs. Finally, don’t miss our lectures by data science experts!
The Incubator Summer Academy is open to all doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in the Helmholtz Association. Additionally, a small number of seats in our workshops are reserved for Master students, doctoral and postdoctoral students from other research institutions and universities.