At the workshop Policies for Research Software held on May 6, 2021, over 100 participants from Helmholtz centers showed great interest. The intended target group (primarily Policy makers, software development team leaders e.g. from data centers, infrastructure units, science management, libraries, law and technology transfer or scientific software communities) was represented in full breadth. This made it possible to initiate a productive exchange of ideas following Wolfgang Marquardt’s welcoming address and the keynote speeches in four breakout sessions.

Workshop Material
The results were documented on virtual whiteboards. All presentation slides and the result of the virtual whiteboards are made available in Nubes upon request.
Future Exchange Process
All interested Helmholtz stakeholders are very welcome to actively participate in the exchange process following the workshop to collaboratively create a checklist for the development and introduction of a policy in the centers. Therefore, a communication channel is introduced. We encourage you to join.
Click here to join the Mattermost chat.
The Research Software Forum is looking forward to a productive exchange with you!
Comments and Suggestions
If you have suggestions, questions, or queries, please don’t hesitate to write us.