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Contribution workflow - Team exercise

Now we want to try out the full contribution workflow practically in pairs of two persons!

Task: - Contribute information about Venus using the presented GitLab Contribution Workflow. - For that purpose, we divide all participants in pairs of two persons and send you to dedicated breakout rooms!

General Process

  • Decide about the Owner and Contributor roles:
    • Owner adds the contributor to the project and reviews the changes
    • Contributor solves the actual task
  • Perform the workflow together (see below)
  • You can use the screen sharing feature to better work together.
  • Please return to main room until 14:45! If you have still some time left, please switch roles and try again and/or experiment with the process on your own :)

Task and Workflow Description

Grant the Contributor access to your GitLab Project (OWNER)

  • Select Project information => Members and click Invite members
    • Search and select the name of the contributor
    • Select in the Select a role menu the role Developer
    • Click the Invite button
  • The contributor should show up in the project member list

Contribute Information about Venus (CONTRIBUTOR)

  • Switch to the GitLab project of the Owner
  • Create an issue (Issues => New issue, fill in details, Create issue):
    • Title: Add information about Venus
    • Description: We want to collect some basic information about Venus.
    • Assignee: Yourself
    • Label: Documentation
  • Create a merge request from the issue (Create merge request, leave details as they are, Create merge request)
  • Switch to your Git shell and contribute the information:
    • Visit the GitLab project overview page of the Owner and copy the URL from Clone => Clone with HTTPS
    • Clone the Git repository: git clone <URL> planets-<OWNER NAME>
    • Change into the cloned repository: cd planets-<OWNER NAME>
    • Switch to the branch: git switch 3-add-information-about-venus (Please double-check the name of the branch in your case!)

      Older versions of Git use git checkout 3-add-information-about-venus

    • Add the file venus.txt with the content:
      Venus is full of love
      Wolfman will appreciate the absence of moons
    • Commit the change locally:
      • git add venus.txt
      • git commit -m "Add initial information about Venus"
    • Push the changes to the remote repository: git push
  • Switch to the merge request:
    • Mark the merge request as ready (Mark as ready)
    • Assign the Owner as Reviewer

Review the Contribution and Merge it (OWNER)

  • Check and provide feedback via comments
  • Approve the merge request (Approve)
  • Merge the mere request (Merge)
  • Check the following aspects:
    • See the changes in merge request list (Merge requests)
    • See the changes in the issue list (Issues)
    • See the changes in the Git history (Repository => Graph)

Update your local Git Repository (CONTRIBUTOR)

  • Switch to the Git shell
  • Switch to the main branch: git switch main

    Older versions of Git use git checkout main

  • Pull the changes from the remote repository: git pull
  • Remove the local branch via: git branch -d <BRANCH NAME>
  • To get rid of the no longer needed remote branches, do a special fetch: git fetch --prune (will remove all origin/… branches that no longer exist)