Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Research Software
The Task Group Research Software of the WG Open Science, the Helmholtz Open Science Office and the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) co-organize the 5th Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Research Software. The event will be hosted by UFZ in Leipzig Feb 05/06, 2024.
Topics and Timetable
The 5th iteration of the Forum will feature topics such as the Helmholtz Incubator Software Award and Open Source Policy Offices as well as presentations of current software projects from within Helmholtz. Furthermore, we will gain insight into some recently published software policies. There is also room to speak about reusable CI/CD templates and workflows in GitLab.
The detailed programme can be found here.
Please register here. Participation is free of charge.
In case of questions please do not hesitate to contact open-science@helmholtz.de.