Better Research Through Better Metadata
HMC, the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration, invites you to their second conference
The HMC conference 2023 wants to provide you with a platform to present your metadata project, to share ideas with the metadata community, to get an insight into recent developments and to network. The conferecne will focus on three main areas: Assessing and monitoring the state of FAIR data, Facilitating connectivity of research data and Transforming (meta)data recommendations into implementations. More details on those topics and their subtopics can be found here. The online event will happen on 10.-12.10.2023.
Registry and Call for Abstracts are open
Sounds interesting? Register here. The call for abstracts for talks or posters is also open. The submissions must belong to one of the three tracks listed above and the deadline is 16.08.2023.
Get in Contact
For the HMC conference: HMC