Seminar Series: Six Main Tasks in Image Processing
The virtual seminar series covers applied imaging processing, its concepts and techniques. Topics range from reconstruction & denoising, tracking, segmentation, visualization and explainable machine learning. The seminar will take place on Thursdays, 14.00-15.30 via Zoom and starts on May 4.
The Program
4.5.2023: The six main tasks in image processing: an overview; speaker: Prof. Philip Kollmannsberger (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
25.5.2023: Tomographic methods in medical imaging; speaker: Dr. Christoph Lerche (PET Physics Group at Forschungszentrum Jülich)
15.6.2023: Tracking of objects: from one to many; speaker: Prof. Carsten Rother (HCI, Universität Heidelberg)
29.6.2023: Machine Learning for Image Segmentation; speaker: Prof. Dagmar Kainmüller (Helmholtz Imaging, Max-Delbrück Center, Berlin)
6.7.2023: Visualizing spatial datasets; speaker: Deborah Schmidt (Helmholtz Imaging, Max-Delbrück Center, Berlin)
27.7.2023: Explainable Machine Learning; speaker: Prof. Ullrich Köthe (Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) University of Heidelberg)
Details for the six events as well as the registration can be found here.
The event is organized by International Helmholtz Research School of Biophysics and Soft Matter, BioInterfaces International Graduate School, Helmholtz Information & Data Science School for Health and one of our partner plattforms, Helmholtz Imaging.