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Mattermost Major Release 6 available

What’s New

Since January 14th, 2022, the Mattermost service in the Helmholtz Cloud appears in new splendor equipped with two new main features. Mattermost now comes with channels, boards and playbooks integrated into one single application. The global navigation was redesigned providing Mattermost with a new look and feel. All details and new features are described in the Mattermost release posts.

Enhanced Documentation

We also took the opportunity to make it easier to get started by extending the documentation. The brand-new getting started guide helps you to quickly get in touch with the service and the specifics of the installation. We hope it helps to allow new colleagues and users to quickly get familiar with Mattermost. The most recent changes are now described in the Changelog.

Try it Out

Have you ever been annoyed by the unstructured views of the various topics in channels? Try out Collapsed Reply Threads by activating it in your user settings.

Comments and Suggestions

If you have suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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