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List of registered Virtual Organisations (VO)

This document lists the Virtual Organisations (VO) registered in the Helmholtz AAI. Currently, VOs can represent working groups or Helmholtz centres.

VO memberships of a logged in user are transmitted by the Helmholtz AAI via the group claim as documented here.

VOs of Working groups

Click on the corresponding link if you want to apply for a membership in the respective VO. This will send a corresponding mail to the HIFIS helpdesk. Depending on the VO policies, you may need to provide a reason on why you would like to become member.

The complete list of Top-Level VOs in the and and namespaces is given here:

The required minimum Assurance in all cases is AARC Assam (approximately corresponding to DFN AAI Basic).

VOs representing Helmholtz centres

The VO of the centres and Helmholtz-members are managed automatically by authentication via the IdPs of the centres.

The required Assurance in all cases is RAF Cappuccino.

VO Name group claim, prefix:
Registered Last Changed
AWI AWI 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
CISPA CISPA 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
DESY DESY 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
DKFZ DKFZ 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
DLR DLR 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
DZNE DZNE 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
FZJ FZJ 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
GEOMAR GEOMAR 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
GFZ GFZ 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
GSI GSI 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
hereon hereon 22.07.2020 13.04.2021
HMGU HMGU 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
HZB HZB 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
HZDR HZDR 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
HZI HZI 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
Helmholtz-GS Helmholtz-GS 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
KIT KIT 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
MDC MDC 22.07.2020 22.07.2020
UFZ UFZ 22.07.2020 22.07.2020

Members of any of these VOs are automatically also member of:

VO Name group claim, prefix:
Registered Last Changed
Helmholtz-member Helmholtz-member 22.07.2020 22.07.2020