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HIFIS transfer service

Introduction and purpose

The HIFIS transfer service enables Helmholtz scientists to transfer large data sets between sites. In order to provide a comfortable solution, we make use of CERN’s File Transfer Service (FTS), which is used in WLCG for the distribution of experimental data to hundreds of LHC tier centres. Commissioning transfers can be done via the WebUI WebFTS or FTS3’s REST API by submitting a JSON file with the transfer’s details. The advantage of FTS in comparison with, e.g. sftp, scp, rsync or Dropbox is that users can commission data transfers between endpoints that will run asynchronously, i.e. without the need for them to interfere. Transfers of large data sets can thus be commissioned in a ‘fire-and-forget’ manner.


In order to use FTS at a Helmholtz centre, an endpoint in form of a webserver capable of communicating with FTS and other endpoints needs to be present there. Up until now, dedicated WLCG storage solutions, e.g. dCache, DPM and EOS, had to be installed on site. For HIFIS, an Apache web server with some modified modules can be used instead. Configuration examples and instructions can be found in the gitlab repositories linked to under Endpoint installation below.

Quick start

If you already have two endpoints between which you want to transfer data, you can do automated and/or script-based file transfers. Please have a look at the FTS3 REST API via cURL or the FTS3 Python bindings. There, the basic usage of the API via the commandline tool curl and via Python-scripts is described. Please note that the documentation assumes the use of X.509 certificate as means of user authentication and authorization.

For use with the Helmholtz AAI access tokens, you need to specify -H "Authorization: Bearer $(ACCESS_TOKEN) instead of -E ~/proxy.pem with curl and the access-token=ACCESS_TOKEN parameter for the context creation with the Python bindings. A token from the Helmholtz AAI can be obtained on the commandline by using oidc-agent (official website), please have a look at our documentation for setting oidc-agent up with the Helmholtz AAI in our documentation.

The status of each transfer can be checked on the FTS3 status page. You might need an X509 GRID certificate to access the page.

Endpoint installation

Since the endpoint needs to be integrated with each centre’s infrastructure, it is generally a task for the local IT. We as the HIFIS team can provide the configuration of and support for installing an endpoint. If you have the need for data transfers via FTS, please contact your local IT first and enquire if a) such an endpoint already exists, or b) if it would be possible to install one. A detailed description of the steps necessary to install an Apache webserver as FTS endpoint can be found in the repositories linked below.

  • A collection of the modules and the modifications that need to be patched in can be found at in this repository for a manual setup.
  • A Docker image for either standalone or a kubernetes deployment together with the corresponding helm chart are located in this repository.

In another project, we are currently in the process of making another endpoint installation based on StoRM webdav available. If you are interested, please let us know via the support (see below).


For questions, support and remarks, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form or by mail.